研究领域简介 近年来主要从事生物医学工程、人工智能与智能控制两大领域及其交叉学科的研究工作。 在生物医学工程领域,主要研究生物医学信号的检测分析与处理、医学仪器开发与设计、生理系统的建模与仿真、脑科学认知与脑机接口、康复医学工程、智慧健康与医疗信息系统、情绪与人体行为姿态识别、体域网与健康保健等领域的理论与工程应用技术。 在人工智能与智能控制领域,主要以现代交通和工业过程控制系统为背景,研究人工智能的基本理论与工程应用技术,包括基于人工智能的复杂系统建模理论与优化算法、信息融合与数据挖掘、数据聚类与数据分析、信息预测与智能信息处理、人工系统与系统仿真、基于数据的建模与控制等现代科学问题。 对情感计算与情感机器人、医疗大数据、智能车路与无线传感网络、生理信息与心理健康、生物信息学与系统生物学、交通生理学与交通安全等多学科交叉的现代科学问题有研究兴趣。
主要学习与工作经历 教育经历: 2002.09-2005.12转轮盘游戏-线上转轮盘
,研究生、博士 1987.09-1990.07山东工业大学自动化系,研究生、硕士 1979.09-1983.07山东建材学院自动化系,大学本科、学士 工作经历: 2000.08-至今转轮盘游戏-线上转轮盘
,副教授、教授、博士生导师 1990.08-2000.07山东工业大学自动化系,助教、讲师、副教授 1983.08-1987.07山东建材学院自动化系,助教
专利与著作情况 在国内外重要学术期刊和国际会议发表学术论文近百篇,主要论文均被国际重要检索刊物检索收录。在智慧健康与情感计算、生理信息检测分析与处理、人工智能与智能优化等领域的研究成果得到众多他引;出版高等学校教材2部;登记计算机软件著作权1项,申请授权国家发明专利13项。 近年来发表的部分论著如下: 【1】 Zaho Lulu,Yang licai,Su Zhonghua,et.al.,Cardiorespiratory Coupling Analysis Based on Entropy and Cross-Entropy in Distinguishing Different Depression Stages,Frontiers in Physiology, Vol.10 Article ID 359(OA),2019,SCI 收录 (通信作者,第一作者为本人研究生,下同) 【2】 Guo Yajuan,Yang licai,Hao shenxue,et.al.,Dynamic identification of urban traffic congestion warning communities in heterogeneous networks,Physica A, Vol.522 No. 5 P.98-111,2019,SCI 收录 【3】Hao Shenxue,Yang Licai,Ding Li,et.al.,Distributed Cooperative Backpressure-Based Traffic Light Control Method,Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 2019, Article ID 7481489(OA),2019,SCI 收录 【4】Hao shenxue,Yang licai,Traffic Network Modeling and Extended Max-Pressure Traffic Control Strategy Based on Granular Computing Theory,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2019, Article ID 2752763(OA),2019,SCI 收录 【5】Xia Yirong,Yang Licai,Zunino Luciano,et.al.,Application of Permutation Entropy and Permutation Min-Entropy in Multiple Emotional States Analysis of RRI Time Series,ENTROPY, Vol.20 No.3 P.1-11,2018,SCI 收录 【6】Jie Zhang,Licai Yang,Zhonghua Su,et.al.,Photoplethysmogram Signal Quality Assessment Using Support Vector Machine and Multi-Feature Fusion,Journal of Medical Imaging and Health informatics, Vol.8 No.9 P.1751-1966,2018,SCI 收录 【7】Hao Shenxue,Yang Licai,Shi Yunfeng,Real-time data-driven trajectory reconstruction based on rough set theory,Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol.44 No.4 P.119-132,2018,EI 收录 【8】Hao Shenxue,Yang Licai,Shi Yunfeng,Data-driven car-following model based on rough set theory,IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS , Vol.12 No.1 P.49-57,2018,SCI 收录 【9】Shi Yunfen,Yang Licai,Improved coupled map car-following model considering partialcar-to-car communication and its jam analysis, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol.95 No.11,2017,SCI 收录 【10】Lulu Zhao,Licai Yang,Hongyu Shi,et.al.,Evaluation of consistency of HRV indices change among different emotions , Proc. CAC , 2017, EI/ISTP收录 【11】Guo Yajun,Licai Yang,A probability approach for estimating real-time queue length at lane level , Proc. CAC , 2017, EI/ISTP收录 【12】Zhuang Yuan,Licai Yang,Xia Yirong,et.al. Effect of equalities in RRI time series on permutation entropy under different emotional states , Proc. CAC , 2017, EI/ISTP收录 【13】Guo Yajuan,Yang Licai,Hao Shenxue,An improved general bidirectional progression model for arterial, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), Vol.22 No. 6 P.697-704,2017,EI 收录 【14】 Yu Yongming,Yang Licai,Liu Zhiping,Gene essentiality prediction based on fractal features and machine learning,Molecular BioSystems , Vol.3 No.3 P.557-84,2017,SCI 收录 【15】Shi Hongyu,Yang Licai,Zhao Lulu,et.al.,Differences of Heart Rate Variability Between Happiness and Sadness Emotion States: A Pilot Study, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,Vol.37 No.4 P.527-539,2017,SCI收录 【16】Li Fei,Yang Licai,Shi Hongyu,et.al.,Differences in photoplethysmography morphological features and feature time series between two opposite emotions: Happiness and sadness,Artery Research , Vol.18 No.3 P.7-13,2017,SCI 收录 【17】Xia Yirong,Yang Licai,Mao Xuejin,et.al.,Quantification of vascular function changes under different emotion states: A pilot study,TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE, Vol.25 No.3 P.447-456,2017,SCI收录 【18】Yu Yongming,Yang Licai,Zhou Qian,et.al.,Exploring the relationship between fractal features and bacterial essential genes,Chin. Phys. B Vol.25 No. 6 P.60503.1-8,2016,SCI 收录 【19】 Shi Yunfeng,Yang Licai,Hao Shenxue,et.al.,Clustered car-following strategy for improving car-following stability under Cooperative Vehicles Infrastructure Systems,IET Intell. Transp. Syst.,Vol.10 No.3 P.141-147,2016,SCI 收录 【20】Yang Licai,Shi Yunfeng,Hao Shenxue,Route choice model based on game theory for commuters,Promet– Traffic &Transportation, Vol. 28 No.3 P141-147,2016,SCI 收录 【21】Yang Licai,Liu Haiqing,A Data Transmitting Scheme Based on Improved AODV and RSU-Assisted Forwarding for Large-Scale VANET,Wireless Personal Communications,Vol. 91 No.3 P.1489-1505,2016,SCI 收录 【22】Shi Yunfeng,Yang Licai,Hao Shenxue,Improving car-following behavior using control scheme under Cooperative Vehicles Infrastructure Systems,ADVANCES IN TRANSPORTATION STUDIES,Vol. 40 No.11 P.5-16,2016,SCI 收录 【23】Zhang Yao,Yang Licai, An Improved OFDM Scheme for Service Channels of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks,Proc. of International Conference on Sustainable Energy、Environment and Information Engineering,2016, Ei、ISTP收录 【24】Shi Yunfeng,Yang Licai,Traffic state detection based on equipped vehicle data,Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automation (ICEEA2016),2016, Ei、ISTP收录 【25】 Liu Haiqing,Yang Licai,Zhang Yao, Improved AODV Routing Protocol Based on Restricted Broadcasting by Communication Zones in Large-Scale VANET,Springer-Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol.40 No.3 P.857-872,2015,SCI 收录 【26】 Zhang Yao,Yang Licai,Liu Haiqing,et.al.,A channel coordination scheme for high density vehicular Ad-Hoc networks based on time division multiplexing, Journal of Communications,Vol.9 No.1 P.13-20,2014,Ei收录 【27】Liu Haiqing,Yang Licai,Ding Sijing,et.al.,A connectivity-based strategy for roadside units placement in vehicular ad hoc networks, International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology,Vol.7 No.1 P.99-108,2014,Ei收录 【28】Wu Lei,Yang Licai,Key Technology on Middleware-based Dynamic Traffic Information Platform, TELKOMNIKA,Vol.12 No.7 P.5661-5668,2014,Ei收录 【29】Wu Lei,Yang Licai,Liu Haiqing,et.al., Bee Inspired zonal vehicle routing algorithm in urban traffic, TELKOMNIKA,Vol.12 No.9 P.6699-6910,2014,Ei收录 【30】Wu Lei,Yang Licai,Middleware-based Dynamic Traffic Information Collection System, IJECCE,5(2), pp:353-358, 2014, Vol.5 No.2 P.353-358,2014,Ei收录 【31】Liu Haiqing,Yang Licai,Ding Sijing,et.al.,Logical connectivity prediction models for VANET based on nonlinear regression and ELM: An example of the AODV protocol, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking,Vol.7 No.6 P.210-232,2014,Ei收录 【32】Liu Haiqing,Yang Licai,Zhang Yao,et.al.,A position sensitive clustering algorithm for VANET, International Journal of Online Engineering,Vol.10 No.1 P.14-21,2014,Ei收录 【33】Zhang Yao,Yang Licai,Wang Jun, Research on dynamic bandwidth partition algorithm for control channel of vehicular Ad-Hoc networks, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking,Vol.7 No.4 P.171-182,2014,Ei收录 【34】Zhang Yao,Yang Licai,Liu Haiqing,et.al.,A service channel assignment scheme for IEEE 802.11p vehicular ad hoc network, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,Vol. 277 P.1165-1172,2014,Ei收录 科研项目与获奖情况 作为项目负责人和主研人员已完成国家自然科学基金、国家科技攻关计划、省自然科学基金、省科技发展计划等各类项目30余项,研究成果曾获省科技进步奖和高等学校优秀科研成果奖。 目前主持有自然科学基金、省科技发展重点研发计划、企业委托等研究课题。 研究生招生与培养情况 在生物医学工程和控制科学与工程两大学科每年招收:博士学位研究生1~2名、硕士学位研究生3~5名、博士后研究人员1~2名。 已培养毕业研究生近百人。毕业研究生的就业去向主要包括:出国深造,高校任教,中科院等科研机构,EATON、美敦力、联影、阿里、海康威视、科大讯飞、华为、中兴等大型公司企业,国家知识产权局、疾控中心等政府部门,大型医院与医疗机构等。 主讲研究生、本科生课程 研究生学位课:现代生物医学电子学(硕士) 研究生专业课:情感分析与计算(硕士、博士) 研究生专业课:信息系统分析与设计(硕士、博士) 研究生专业课:智能交通导论(硕士、博士) 本科生基础课:生物医学电子学 本科生基础课:生物控制理论 本科生专业课:生物医学中的微机系统 |