一、主要学习与工作经历: 2020.09-至今:山东大学 转轮盘游戏
教授 2018 -至今:山东大学 转轮盘游戏
副院长 2013.09-2020.08:山东大学 转轮盘游戏
副教授 二、本科教学课程: 专业课《电力电子技术》 专业课《运动控制系统》 三、主持/参与科研项目情况: 1、氢能多场景深度融合及智慧管控技术研究与示范应用,国家重点研发计划,2023.12-2027.11,项目负责人; 2、含氢多能源供需系统的协同运行优化理论与方法,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2022.01-2026.12,负责人; 3、可再生能源分布式冷热电联供系统优化设计与协同控制,国家自然科学基金,2016.01-2019.12,负责人; 4、电动汽车与智能电网融合系统的建模与协调控制,国家自然科学基金, 2012.01-2014.12,负责人; 5、多能互补综合能源系统优化控制关键技术研发与示范应用,山东省重大科技创新工程,2019.06.01-2021.12.31,负责人; 6、智慧能效优化控制技术研究与装备研发,国网山东电力公司项目,2020.12-2021.12,负责人; 7、面向工业园区的多能源系统建模与评估技术研究,国网科技项目,2020.07.01-2021.12.31,负责人; 8、能源互联网框架下能效服务技术研究及应用,国网科技项目,2020.12.25-2021.12.31,负责人; 9、面向乡村振兴的农村能源互联网构建技术与业态模式研究,国网科技项目,2020.06-2022.06,负责人; 10、综合能源系统用能负荷优化调控技术研究,企业委托项目,2020.08.31-2021.12.31,负责人。 四、部分学术期刊论文列表: [1] Zhang J C, Sun B, Zhao D D. A Novel Event-Triggered Secondary Control Strategy for Distributed Generalized Droop Control in Microgrid Considering Time Delay[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2023,38(5):5963–5978. SCI收录 [2] Li J J, Zhang C H, Sun B. Two-Stage Hybrid Deep Learning With Strong Adaptability for Detailed Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Power Forecasting[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2023,14(1):193–205. SCI收录 [3] Li X Q. Zhang L Z, Wang R Q, Sun B, Xie W J. Two-Stage Robust Optimization Model for Capacity Configuration of Biogas-Solar-Wind Integrated Energy System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2023,59(1):662–675. SCI收录 [4] Yu B B, Li J J, Liu C, Sun B. A novel short-term electrical load forecasting framework with intelligent feature engineering[J]. Applied Energy, 2022,327:120089. SCI收录 [5] Dong X, Zhang C H, Sun B. Optimization strategy based on robust model predictive control for RES-CCHP system under multiple uncertainties[J]. Applied Energy, 2022,325:119707. SCI收录 [6] Liu C, Li F, Zhang C H, Sun B, Zhang, G G. A day-ahead prediction method for high-resolution electricity consumption in residential units[J]. Energy,2023,265:125999. SCI收录 [7] Chen J, Li F, Li H R, Sun B, Zhang C H, Liu S. Novel dynamic equivalent circuit model of integrated energy systems[J]. Energy,2023,262:125266. SCI收录 [8] Li H R,Zhang C H,Sun B.Deep integration planning of sustainable energies in district energy system and distributed energy station[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2022,154:111892. SCI收录 [9] Li H R, Wei Z C, Miao Q C, Zhao L F, Sun B, Zhang C H.Multi-energy flow cooperative dispatch for generation, storage, and demand in integrated energy systems with dynamic correction[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society,2022,76:103494. SCI收录 [10] Li H R,Zhang C H,Sun B. Optimal design and operation method of integrated energy system based on stochastic scenario iteration and energy storage attribute evaluation[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society,2023,95:104585. SCI收录 [11] Li F,Sun B,Zhang C H,Zhang L Z. Operation optimization for combined cooling,heating,and power system with condensation heat recovery[J]. Applied Energy,2018,230:305–316. SCI收录 [12] Che Liu,Bo Sun,Chenghui Zhang,Fan Li. A Hybrid Prediction Model for Residential Electricity Consumption Using Holt-Winters and Extreme Learning Machine[J]. Applied Energy,2020,275:115383.SCI收录 [13] Li H R,Sun B,Zhang C H. Capacity design of a distributed energy system based on integrated optimization and operation strategy of exergy loss reduction[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2021,231:113648. SCI收录 [14] Li F,Sun B,Zhang C H,Liu C. A hybrid optimization-based scheduling strategy for combined cooling,heating,and power system with thermal energy storage[J]. Energy,2019,188:115948–115962. SCI收录 [15] Zhang L Z,Kuang J Y,Sun B,et al. A two-stage operation optimization method of integrated energy systems with demand response and energy storage[J]. Energy,2020,208:118423. SCI收录 [16] Ma D,Zhang L,Sun B.An interval scheduling method for the CCHP system containing renewable energy sources based on model predictive control[J]. Energy,2021.SCI收录 [17] Zhang F,Zhang C,Sun B.Initiative Optimization Operation Strategy and Multi-objective Energy Management Method for Combined Cooling Heating and Power[J].IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,2016,3(4):385-393.SCI收录 [18] Li Y M,Liu Ch,Zhang L Z,Sun B. A partition optimization design method for a regional integrated energy system based on a clustering algorithm[J]. Energy,2021,219:119562. SCI收录 [19] Kuang J Y,Zhang C H,Sun B. Stochastic dynamic solution for off-design operation optimization of combined cooling,heating,and power systems with energy storage[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2019,163:114356.SCI收录 [20] Li F,Sun B,Zhang C H. Operation optimization for integrated energy system with energy storage[J]. Science China. Information Sciences,2018,61(12):1–3.SCI收录 [21] Chen J,Zhang C,Li K,Sun B. Hybrid Adaptive Control for PEMFC Gas Pressure[J]. Energies, 2020, 13:5334. SCI收录 [22] Wei D J,Chen A L,Sun B,Zhang C H. Multi-objective optimal operation and energy coupling analysis of combined cooling and heating system[J]. Energy,2016,98:296–307.SCI收录 [23] Kuang J Y,Zhang C H,Li F,Sun B. Dynamic optimization of combined cooling,heating,and power systems with energy storage units[J]. Energies,2018,11(9):2288–2304.SCI收录 [24] Zhang L,Zhang L Z,Sun B,Zhang C H,Li F. Nested optimization design for combined cooling, heating, and power system coupled with solar and biomass energy[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2020,123:103236.SCI收录 [25] Zhang L Z,Li F,Sun B,Zhang C H. Integrated optimization design of combined cooling,heating,and power system coupled with solar and biomass energy[J]. Energies,2019,12(4):687–708.SCI收录 [26] Gong X,Li F,Sun B,et al.Collaborative Optimization of Multi-Energy Complementary Combined Cooling,Heating,and Power Systems Considering Schedulable Loads[J].Energies,2020,13.SCI收录 [27] Zhou B,Liu C,Li J, Sun B,et al.A Hybrid Method for Ultrashort-Term Wind Power Prediction considering Meteorological Features and Seasonal Information[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020.SCI收录 [28] Zhang L,Sun B,Zhang C,et al.Multi-objective operation optimization of combined cooling, heating, and power system[J].Control Theory & Application,2019,36(3):473-482.SCI收录 五、部分国家发明专利列表: [1] 孙波,张立志,等.园区综合能源系统一体化设计方案生成方法及系统,2020.11.19,中国,ZL202011299731.2. [2] 孙波,沙琮田,等.一种可再生能源冷热电联供能量优化调度系统与方法,2016.03.02,中国,ZL201610119089.2. [3] 孙波,马得银,等. 一种考虑天气的区域短期能源功率预测方法及系统,2019.09.02,中国,ZL 201910823807.8. [4] 孙波,张立志,等.Multi-energy complementary system two-stage optimization scheduling method and system considering source-storage-load cooperation, 2019.11.14,澳大利亚,2020100983. [5] 孙波,李艳,等.一种生物质气内燃发电机组转速控制方法,2015.03.09,中国,ZL201510102010.0. [6] 孙波,匡冀源,等.燃气压力-尾气氧含量双闭环进气控制系统,2017.06.26,中国,ZL201720753564.1. [7] 孙波,巩枭,等.多能互补冷热电联供系统及其协同调度方法,2018.12.13,中国,ZL201811526236.3. [8] 孙波,刘一鸣,等.一种基于类卡尔曼滤波的电子节气门开度估计方法及系统,2019.12.13,中国,ZL201911279783.0. [9] 孙波,王文森,等.基于生物质气的冷热电联供系统及能量优化控制方法,2015.03.09,中国,ZL201510103414.1. [10] 孙波,周宝斌,等.一种考虑气象特性的超短期风电预测方法及系统,2019.07.25,中国,ZL201910677430.X. [11] 孙波,周宝斌,等.一种短期光伏发电预测方法及系统,2019.06.19,中国,ZL 201910533501.9. 六、主要学术/社会兼职 1.中国电工技术学会电控系统与装置专业委员会委员 2.中国自动化学会电气自动专业委员会委员 3.中国自动化学会新能源与储能系统控制专业委员会秘书长 |